OCCASIONALLY, YOU’RE GOING about your day, plodding along, when something terrible happens.
You suddenly realise that a small mistake is going to lead to a world of pain.
Here are ten of the most horrible (and mundane) realisations you can have in your daily life.
Waking up thinking it’s saturday, realising it’s not
Getting up for a shower, realising there’s no hot water
Getting to the till in the supermarket, realising you left your wallet at home
Doing a big job in the toilet, realising there’s no toilet paper
Arriving home after a long day and realising you left your keys at work
Forgetting to meet someone, realising when they text you that they’re at the meeting place
Realising you have no bin tags at 11pm just as you’re about to put the bin out
You’ve made the tea…realise there’s no milk
Realising you’ve forgotten to do something really important for work/school, just as it becomes a problem
Getting home from the big shop, starting to make dinner and realising you’ve forgotten one vital ingredient
What realisation strikes fear in your heart? Tell us in the comments.