1. This horse doing the shopping in Ballinasloe yesterday is just following in the footsteps of other noble steeds
2. Like this horse taking the LUAS about Dublin last month
3. This guy blowing out his birthday candles could be any one of us
4. The very fact that this shop felt the need to put up this sign
The horse was in there getting its weekly supply of sweets no doubt.
5. This horse enjoying a casual pint
6. And this horse LOVES getting his neck scratched
And will even give out hugs to those that do it.
7. This horse in for its chipper
As you do of an evening.
8. The time this horse took a little dog for a walk was adorable
And also something we would do. ONE OF US.
9. And finally, this horse poking its head in the door to check out the odds
“I don’t feel right about betting on this.”