IF MAKING EYES at fellow commuters on the Luas is one of your most treasured pastimes, allow us to introduce you to your new favourite Instagram account.
Hot Dudes Reading posts photos of handsome men reading on New York’s Subway and has become the Instagram account to follow.
Despite starting just over a fortnight ago, the account has acquired 189,000 followers, who are no doubt drooling over every photo.
Each photo is accompanied by a rather perfect caption.
Like so.
Look at that wide power stance. No hands needed. This sexy stud owns the 4 train with the same confidence he probably exudes defending the zone at his pick-up hockey games. He’s not going to fall, but I already have. Hard. #theicemancometh#hotdudesreading
The account has only posted fifteen photos thus far, but has been met with widespread approval.
Even Waterstones approves.