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11 things all guy-girl housemates will understand

Live with a woman or man you aren’t romantically involved with…? Step right in.

YOU DECIDE TO move in with a member of the opposite sex… good luck. Just be prepared…

1. These are EVERYWHERE

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Any girl you live with will leave a trail of bobby pins behind her as she moves from room to room, but neither of you will be able to find one when needed.

2. You’re never without a wing man or woman

People are so much more trusting of a member of the same sex when it comes to setting them up. Your housemate is the perfect disguise.

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3. Cleaning will mostly fall on the woman

… and the guy will do all the DIY and heavy lifting. You can change this, or moan about it to your mutual friends. Win win.


4. The toilet seat is never the way you want it

It’s up when a woman gets to it, and down when a man is dying for a pee. Get used to it, as neither of you are emotionally invested enough to change.

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5. The bathroom is full of hair

The drain, the sink, the toilet. Shaved hair, stray hair, and all out shedding.

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6. You act like a married couple…

With none of the benefits.

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7. Yet everyone constantly asks you if you’re hooking up


not-a-couple Source: Youthconnect

8. You have your own personal agony aunt

Whether it’s style advice, or advice on how to word your Tinder profile. You’ve got it all in your living room. This can also lead to unsolicited advice on people you take home though, so can be a tricky one.

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9. You have a wealth of things to borrow

He gets to use a Boots counter worth of hair products, while she get to steal his jumpers. ALL without the hassle of finding a boyfriend or girlfriend!


10. You’ve got a fake partner on call

Sure, you spend most of your time denying you’re together, but you can use them to pretend you’re ACTUALLY together in times of need, e.g. in the face of an ex, going to a wedding, etc.


11. Living with a member of the opposite sex is just BETTER

With a guy, you don’t have to share so much space. With a girl, she likely won’t be as disgusting as a guy. But hey, this is the exception.

9 real and distressing housemate problems>

8 treacherous ways your housemates can ruin your day>

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