THE REAL HOUSEWIVES of Orange County hit Ireland recently, and we ruled that it was pretty much terrible.
They came back for more in their last episode, and things just got worse and worse.
This time, they went to Bailey’s Farm, where Bailey’s Irish cream is made
Sure look, this is all we do in Ireland.
It caused one to pipe up and say:
These machines, sucking up milk, it seems so violent. It’s not like S&M.
Then they headed to Greystones, because Meghan’s genealogist told her someone there might be related to her. SOMEONE.
So they went to literally tap people on their shoulder and ask if there are any O’Tooles in the vicinity.
So we have to tap on people’s shoulders and tell them we’re here from the US to find relatives.
Oh yeah, excellent idea.
Like they asked SO many people, I’m dying.
Eventually, they found this poor woman whose mam was an O’Toole
Meghan got all excited and said they’re probably related. PROBABLY.
But this one wasn’t having a bit of it
But she still took a photo with her, because, y’know, they’re most likely related
They then returned to Powerscourt, where Meghan boasted about how her ancestors the O’Tooles ruled Powerscourt
A guide quickly told her that they trapped and killed 60 people, and put her right in her place.
And there were loads more fights, of course
Especially on the shuttle to Shannon airport at 3.20am. Christ, goodbye lads.
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