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So here's how Ted actually met the mother in How I Met Your Mother


AFTER NINE SEASONS worth of waiting, How I Met Your Mother fans FINALLY found out how Ted Mosby met the mother.

Of course, we aren’t going to discuss that without a massive SPOILER ALERT.

Source: Wordpress

Are you SURE you want to know how he met her and what happened to them?

OK then, here goes.

It turns out that Ted Mosby actually met his future wife at Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) and Robin’s (Coby Smulders) wedding, although he didn’t talk to her until AFTER the reception.

Tracy McConnell (that’s her name) was the bass player in the band and though Mr Mosby eyed her up across the dance floor, it wasn’t until he spotted her on the train platform that he actually plucked up the courage to speak to her.

Source: Screengrab via CBS

The pair went on to have their two kids and eventually got married but, after a few very happy years together, tragedy struck: The mother became gravely ill and sadly died six years before Ted started telling his story.

Source: Screengrab via CBS

Source: Tumblr

Why was Ted telling the kids their tale now? Well, that only became clear in the last few minutes.

So they could give him their blessing to take the story full circle and turn up outside ‘Aunt’ Robin’s apartment with that all-important blue french horn.

Source: Tumblr

She conveniently divorced Barney earlier in the episode, leaving the way for a controversial Ted and Robin reunion clear.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom for Barney Stinson though: He went on to have a baby girl with one night stand, who changed the way he looked at the world.

Source: Screengrab via CBS

And there was also good news for Lily (Alyson Hanningan) and Marshall (Jason Segel). He ended up becoming a judge and was running for a position in the state supreme court by the time all those loose ends were tied up.

Needless to say, the ending divided both devout fans and casual viewers alike, but that’s a story for another 10 years worth of episodes.

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