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How to...clean the whole world

The World Cleanup 2012 has kicked off across three continents with thousands of volunteers expected to turn out to clean up their countries.

Image: (Via Flickr/wednesd777)

APRIL IS HERE so that must mean spring cleaning time. So what’s on the list? Oh, just the whole world…

Clean-ups taking place over three continents and seven different countries aim to clean up illegally dumped waste over the next three days. Countries cleaning up this weekend are Albania, Austria, Croatia, USA, Latvia, Lithuania and Egypt.

The cleaning initiative is part of the World Cleanup 2012 which is taking place until September this year.

Over 75,000 volunteers are expected to join the clean-up the Albanian clean-up operation today. The Albanians aim to gather 25 000 tons of garbage.

Both Croatia and the US are cleaning up on 21 April. Croatian co-ordinator Helena Traub said:

For people in our country, where it is extremely difficult to succeed without being involved in corruption, it is strange when somebody not connected to important people on relevant positions, from a small village, can make a difference and motivate so many stakeholders and individuals.

The Californian clean-up initiative called Let’s get Dirty, is fronted by popular TV-series The Vampire Diaries actor Ian Somerhalder and his foundation.  They aim to target more than 2000 schools involved throughout the state of California. Actor Ian Somerhalder said:

The coming together of like minded individuals through action is what’s needed to see wide spread change, for us, for our planet and it’s creatures. This event provides a platform for individuals who want to see tangible results through active collaboration between nations, celebrities, business leaders and individuals.

Austria is having its biggest clean-up in its history with over 50,000 volunteers taking part, while Egypt is focusing not only focusing on the mainland but also the area surrounding of the Red Sea islands.

Ireland has not yet had their clean-up day and is currently creating a clean-up team. It is however National Spring Clean month, a campaign run by An Taisce.

(Via YouTube/)

(Via YouTube/)

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