THINK YOU KNOW everything about Dublin’s hardest working band?
Now’s your chance to shine… (Answers are in a link at the bottom)
1. Who played Outspan Foster?
2. What does one person in the audition queue think Jimmy is selling?
3. Which Irish musician makes an appearance as Jimmy’s sister?
4. Can you name every character in the band?
6. How many members of The Corrs are in The Committments?
7. Whose nipple does Dean imagine when he's learning to play the saxophone?
Bonus point: In Roddy Doyle's book, whose nipple is it?
Another bonus point: Whose nipple did Joey imagine on his trumpet?
8. How many times does the word "fuck" appear in the film?
9. What song is Stephen playing when Jimmy walks into the church?
10. Where does Dean work?
11. Who is 'interviewing' Jimmy in the bath at the end of the film?
12. Who directed The Committments?
13. What musical icon does Jimmy's dad idolise?
14. What are the little girls on the bus wearing when Deco is serenading them?
15. Where does Ray want to put the exclamation mark on the And And And posters?
16. What does the sign above the stage say at the band's first gig?