1. Can you name all of the people in this picture?
Image: AtHomeWithMrsM
The Curleys: Sonny, Lisa, Craig, Sharon, Dessie, Kay, Kimberley and Darren
2. What was the dog’s name?
Larry Gogan
3. What was the name of the actress who played Sharon?
Tina Kelleher
4. When Sharon goes into labour, what does Kimberley call her contractions?
5. What age is Sharon when she gets pregnant?
6. What song does Kimberley do her majorette practice to?
My Irish Molly
7. Who did Tara O’Neill have her baby for?
Paddy Bell
8. What animal (apart from the dog) is kept in the kitchen?
A bird in a cage
9. What did Jackie rob from her boyfriend in a café?
The cream off his eclair
10. Who does Lisa tell Dessie he’ll have to discuss her behaviour with?
Her solicitor
11. What does Kay say was the “best contraceptive ever invented”?
Dessie’s coat
12. What’s Georgie Burgess’ daughter’s name?
13. Who does Sharon tell people is the father of her baby?
A Spanish sailor
14. What’s the prize in the raffle Georgie Burgess is selling raffle tickets for?
A giant teddy
15. What song is playing when Craig returns from the army?
Tie a Yellow Ribbon
16. What does the nurse ask Sharon about that prompts her to say “I didn’t know what she was talking about until she told me”?
Her menstrual history
17. What does Darren get for his birthday?
A bike
18. Who directed The Snapper?
Stephen Frears
19. How much money does Mr Burgess give Sharon when she comes to see him?
Ten pounds
20. What song does Sharon sing at Karaoke?
Papa Don’t Preach
21. What is the ‘ps’ at the end of Georgie Burgess’ letter to his wife?
“The paper is my sister’s”
22. What’s the name of the hotel Sharon and Georgie have their sexual encounter outside?
The Shieling Hotel
23. What kind of sandwiches does Dessie bring to the Garda station for Craig?
24. What does Dessie tell Lisa to put on before she can go out?
A proper skirt
25. What begins with a C, ends with a T, and has a U and an N in it?
A coconut
26. What does Lisa want to call the baby?
Keanu or River
27. What does the baby weigh when it’s born?
7 lbs 12 oz
28. What’s the name of the cycling team Dessie coaches?
Barrytown Wheelies
29. What hospital does Sharon have the baby in?
The Rotunda
30. What does she call the baby?