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How Well Do You Remember Kenan & Kel?

Find out.

IF YOU GREW up in the 90s, Kenan and Kel was unmissable television. With rumours that it’s coming back, test out how much you remember.


1. What is Kenan's dad called?

2. Who's the girl Kenan climbed the Sears tower for?

3. Why did Kel get banned from Kenan's house?
He kept eating all the food
He spilled orange soda on the sofa

He kept injuring Roger
He broke a table
4. What did Chris have a phobia of?
Giant rabbits

Talking vegetables
5. The red, delicious apples were from which state?

6. Where did Kel leave his winning lotto ticket?
In an old lady's bag
In a fish tank

In a taxi
In a bottle of orange soda
7. Who did Kel represent in the 18th grocery annual bagging contest?

Jace's Food Hut
Angus' Food Barn
8. Which tuna company did Kenan attempt to sue over the screw in the tuna?
Tuna Luna
Tuna Tastegood

Tuna R Us
Tuna Time
9. What did Kel say was his favourite drink on the Honeymoon gameshow?
Orange soda
Ginger beer

Root beer
Coca Cola
10. How did Kel get to be so cute?
He drinks orange soda
He exercises

He doesn't study
He eats ham
11. Which of these hasn't happened in the Rigby's basement?
A nightclub called Duh Bomb
The discover of a hidden safe

A rat infestation
The chipmunk has pneumonia
12. The Principal of the boys school was called...
Ms Dimly
Ms Dimwit

Ms Dipply
Ms Diggy
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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Wow, did you even watch Kenan & Kel?
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Wow, did you even watch Kenan & Kel?
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Wow, did you even watch Kenan & Kel?
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Wow, did you even watch Kenan & Kel?
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Wow, did you even watch Kenan & Kel?
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Wow, did you even watch Kenan & Kel?
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Either you haven't watched Kenan & Kel in ages, or you never did.
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It's nothing to write home about, get to YouTube STAT.
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You did OK
It's nothing to write home about, get to YouTube STAT.
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You slipped up a bit, but clearly watched Kenan & Kel after school every day.
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You slipped up a bit, but clearly watched Kenan & Kel after school every day.
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You're a genius
You should join Kenan & Kel to make a trio as this score is EXCELLENTE.
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