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Open thread: What is the best thing you've ever done?

Make quitting smoking one of them.

EVERYONE HAS DONE something in their life that they can stand by and be proud of.

Maybe it was having your children, or getting your degree, or finally quitting smoking.

For some people, it could be something like moving city and getting a new lease on life.

It could be as small, but ultimately important, as getting back in contact with an old friend before it was too late. Or maybe it was travelling and getting to see the world.

We all do lots of positive things in our life, but sometimes you just know that one stand-out act, decision or event was a real game-changer.

Thousands of people are going to try to quit smoking this week – many will say afterwards that it was the best thing they’ve ever done. Help double your chances of success by signing up to a QUITplan on quit.ie, calling the Quitline on 1850 201 203, or joining the You Can Quit support group on Facebook.

Source: HSE Ireland

What do you look back on and say, “You know what? That was the best thing I ever did”? Share your stories in the comments.

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