A list of things that just kill the mood and put a stop to any romantic daydreaming. That’s right: the instant turn-offs.
For some people, it’s the old reliable, bad breath – caused either by a mouthful of cheese and onion crisps or maybe one too many cigarettes at the end of the night.
Or maybe it’s that guy who talks non-stop about his ex all night?
Maybe it’s being rude to a waiter while you’re on the first date?
Perhaps you noticed they have dirty fingernails? The mucky pup.
Or perhaps you’ve brought a guy home, poured some wine, put on some music – when your Mam calls down from upstairs ‘Does your friend want some tea, love?’
Let us know your most biggest turn-offs or funniest memories in the comments – no shame here, we’ve all got them…
If no turn-offs rear their ugly head, then you might be on the path for a fun night. Or not. If it does happen for you, remember that condoms protect you from a wide range of sexually transmitted infections, and unplanned pregnancy to boot. So, relax and make sure Johnny’s got you covered.