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21 snacks we need you to send back from Australia

We’ll have 17 Violet Crumbles please.

Last day shopping #australianessentials #timtams #vegemite #caramelokoalas #GLADWRAP #milo Source: beerbeardsandbikes

ALMOST ALL OF us know somebody who’s made the epic journey to try out life Down Under.

Here are some of the goodies* waiting for them when they get there.

We want a care package, STAT.

Iced VoVos

Kind of like Kimberly Mikados, but flattened. VoVos are a much beloved staple of the Australian childhood.

Iced VoVo's for breakfast? Don't mind if I do! Shot by the lovely @eloisneeze from our sunny 'Straya Daze' shoot. Ants were in for the win! Source: hellojuliewhite


Addictive cheese covered corn snacks (which also come in flavours like Chicken, Cheese and Bacon and Taco, but original is best).

2015.05.25 Twisties Cheese. All time favorite classic crunchy snack. Can't have it for my supper, so here it is to kick start my day - breakfast time!... . Life is pretty straight without ... YOU! (Don't yam yam siu....you get what I mean Source: mcooper_bb

Tim Tams

Probably Australia’s most popular snack overseas, these are described as being kind of  a cross between a Penguin and Club Milk, but a hundred times more addictive. Around 35 million packs are sold every year.

Can't come home from #Australia without some #timtam's!! #crackcookies Source: m.k0k


A chocolate and malt drink powder. It’s also pretty good sprinkled on ice cream.

#miloandicecream #childhood #memories #australia #bne #straya #nomnomnom Source: bigov


Savoury crackers made by Arnotts (who make the majority of Australia’s biscuits and snacks). They come in a wide range of flavours and textures.

Best #shapes flavor everr #arnotts #bbqribs Source: spacenome27

Mint Slices

Kind of like Viscounts, but better.

World Market makes me happy....#iifym #foodporn #fitfoodie #flexibledieting #nevergonnaeatcleanagain #teamnorton #arnotts #chocolate Source: readyin5weeks

Let's be honest about this. Mint Slices are way better than Tim Tams. #nom #australia #arnotts Source: littlewanderings

Cherry Ripe

Made by Cadbury Australia, Cherry Ripe consists of cherries and coconut covered in dark chocolate.

My favourite #chocolatebar in the #world #cherryripe so I bought a few Source: jamescollingtonpt

Fairy Bread

This might not travel very well, but we could probably just make our own, to be honest. It’s bread, butter and hundreds and thousands. Popular at kids birthday parties (and Eurovision parties) in Oz.

Friends for dinner tonight #dessert #sweets #childhoodtreat #sosophisticated #sprinkles #iPhone #adenfilter #fairybread #oldschool #yummy #dontbejealous Source: mister_and_lady

My contribution to the Eurovision night snack table #fairybread #eurovisionsongcontest #esc #causeimrootingforaustralia #soimbringingaustraliansnack Source: kamilla.ragna


Corn snacks covered in powdered cheese. So much powdered cheese.

Cravings... x.x Source: mojoblazer

Scotch Fingers

Sometimes all you need is a bit of plain. A shortbread biscuit, designed to be snapped in two. Simple and delicious.

#ARNOTTS#SCOTCHFINGER #아침부터과자먹다 #12시전이니깐아침이라할래 호주에서 사온 과자 아직 남아있다.. 도대체 얼마나 산거래ㅋ 아침부터 과자를 #아그작아그작 깨물어먹으며 #자수 해야지.. #아침부터과자가먹히냐이래 Source: cong100486486

Caramello Koala

Not unlike a Caramel Freddo, but Koala-shaped, so infinitely more Australian.

My crazy Thursday just went up to a whole new dimension. Ask and you shall receive and I did! @joshkellock is the best, and still my favorite K. #bestchocolates #waitedtoolong #caramelokoalas #favoritekellock #internaltearseverywhere Source: wensiam


Chocolate covered caramels with movie trivia on each sweet wrapper. They’ve been around since the 1930s and the facts on the packets change every two years.

알렌즈 팬테일즈!!! 초코속의카라멜 진짜 맛있다!! 50개가 넘게들어 있어서 봉지 보니 패밀리사이즈 를 보내주신 남친님!!!) Source: dbal222

TeeVee Snacks

Another Arnott’s favourite, TeeVee snacks are tiny chocolate biscuits, ideal for eating in front of the… er… TV. Variations include malt sticks and wafer bites.

EMPTY!!! NOOOO!! #teeVeeSnacks #arnotts Source: misha_oz

Oh hello there taste of childhood and impressive sticky-tape map of the world on my temporary bedroom wall. Source: wayfaringchocolate

Violet Crumble

Kind of like our Crunchie, but bigger.

#violetcrumble #chocolate Source: trinzki

My tummy is so happy #violetcrumble #addictivesweets #iminheaven Source: dawncatcher

Chiko Roll

Kind of like a spring roll, but with thicker dough and folded ends. Popular at sporting events and after a night on the batter.

Delicious Chiko Roll at the footy! #chikoroll #gourmet #foodporn #footy #parraeels #eels Source: gonzo_unplanned


A South Australia speciality, FruChocs are dried apricot and peach covered in milk chocolate.

Our aprichoc scented candles smell good enough to eat #aprichoc #fruchocs #apricot #chocolate #soycandles #scentedcandles #handmadeinSA #reuse #recycle #upcycle Source: aerology.ignites

Menz, the company that makes FruChocs have also recently released a new product with with coconut. Put them in a padded envelope and send them this way for sampling please.

NEW Menz FruChocs with Coconut Source: menzfruchocs

Dairy Milk with Vegemite

A new addition to the Cadbury Australia raft of products. This limited edition bar mixes milk chocolate with the famous Australian salty yeast extract Vegemite.

Hey, we’ll try anything once.

Had to give this a go and I'm pretty impressed Source: molliebrennan6

Anzac biscuits

Made with oats, coconut and golden syrup, Anzac biscuits date back to World War I and were often sold to raise money for the war effort in Australia and New Zealand.


Choc Tops

A big (and expensive) favourite in Australian cinemas. Choc Tops consist of different flavoured ice cream in wafer cones topped with, you guessed it, chocolate.

Oh yeah! #choctop #vanilla #movies #village #popcorn #cheap #tuesday #love #big #screen #vmax #theatre Source: jemimabonnie


Fizzy lemon is a big hit in Australia, and Solo is the market leader. Decent hangover cure too.

solo Source: Sarah Jane Cahill


Sponge cakes dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut, sometimes with jam and cream in the middle.

Mmmm #hottesthomebaker #lammingtons ❤️ Source: jennncraft

*Did you know that in Australia they call chocolate and sweets ‘lollies’, and that in the supermarket they have a ‘lollies aisle’ (which isn’t just full of lollipops)?

Thanks to Sarah Jane Cahill and Amy Croffey for their input

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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