WE’RE USED TO seeing the Humans of Dublin Facebook page bring us heartwarming, hilarious and interesting stories of the lives of people walking the streets of the capital.
Photographer Peter Varga has been capturing the ups and downs of everyday life for over two years now – and last week released a book documenting the best 100 stories.
On the last page, Peter included one particularly special story that had yet to be completed: a photo of himself proposing to his girlfriend Maria
But she had no idea that this was going to happen – and the first she would see of it would be when he presented her with the first copy last Friday.
The accompanying text on the page read:
Four years ago, I started working in a sandwich bar. I’d been in Ireland about five years at that point and I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life. There was a girl there that I really liked spending time with – we had a connection. About three months into my new job, we started going out. My life changed completely.
After recounting how he started the Humans of Dublin project with Maria’s encouragement, he got on to the proposal:
The last four years have been the best of my life. When you meet that person who changes everything, who you’re meant to be with, why wouldn’t you do everything in your power to keep them in your life?
Maria, if you’re reading (and I know you are), I have one question: Will you marry me?
He waited until she got to the last page so she could see it – and had a photographer friend waiting to capture the moment
She said yes
What a way to do it.