ELECTRIC PICNIC is a three-day break from reality for most people, but for others, it’s just that bit more special.
Humans of Dublin photographer Peter Varga went down to Stradbally for the weekend in search of stories – there he met these two brothers, who explained that the festival was their annual chance to reconnect.
The pair live on opposite sides of the world these days, but make a point to travel home every year for EP:
I’m a primary school teacher in New Zealand and he’s a sportsman in New York. We’re brothers. If you look at the map you’ll see these are the furthest points from each other possible.
We’ve seen each other only at Electric Picnic for the 11th year in a row. Four days a year is the perfect amount of time for us to reconnect and lose our sh*t together.
The brothers’ story has been liked over 7,000 times – and people are suggesting similar plans to their own emigrant friends. Sweet.
Thanks to Humans of Dublin for the photo