HUMANS OF NEW York is one of the most beloved pages on Facebook.
Photographer Brandon Stanton snaps people on the street and asks them to tell him one story. He’s taken his project to Macomb County, a northern suburb of Detroit after the election due to the blue collar nature of the area and the fact that they voted for Donald Trump. It’s the first time in almost 30 years a Republican candidate has carried Michigan.
He promised he wouldn’t be asking who people voted for, but wanted to introduce us to a few people who live there.
The latest story of a woman taking in her sister and her sister’s ex-husband to live with her is tickling Irish people.
She explains how it’s driving her nuts:
My sister watches those murder programs.
And her ex-husband is Irish so he keeps talking about the potato famine. He loves that potato famine.
Then there are the cats:
And those cats. Little Louie is sweet, but the biggest cat looks like Garfield and won’t stop meowing. His name is Nitro. I’m trying to keep it together. I just picked up one of those positive thinking books.
Irish people were baffled at the man’s insistence on going on about the famine
And telling her she should reassure him there are plenty of potatoes in Ireland now
Some were a little mad about it all
But most just thought she was great craic