Dublin: 8 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

Someone did the Ice Bucket Challenge with liquid nitrogen, which is really quite dangerous


THE ICE BUCKET Challenge just might have peaked, now that absolutely everyone you know has done it.

But luckily, there are still people out there trying to go one better. Like scientist Moe Qureshi, who decided to do it with liquid nitrogen.

“Do not try this at home, because this is extremely dangerous and not safe,” he tells the camera.

Source: NurdRage/YouTube

If you’re interested: here’s why Qureshi’s head didn’t freeze. Please, nobody try this at home.

via Reddit

More: 6 signs people’s ice bucket challenges are totally out of control>

More: How this horrifying Ice Bucket Challenge fail became a viral death hoax>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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