Dublin: 10 °C Monday 3 March, 2025

Icelandic police's adorable Instagram will restore your faith in humanity

Everybody be cool this is a robbery. A robbery of your HEART!

REYKJAVIK’S METROPOLITAN POLICE force have got this Instagram thing down.

Toeing the perfect line between showcasing the police work they do everyday and their ability to be fun and approachable, their account is a joy to behold.

They take top notch selfies

Why so serious? #trafficpost #niceland #sillyfaces Source: logreglan

They enjoy a tin of Fanta (someone send them some Club Orange, STAT)

Nauðsynlegt að pylsa sig upp í vinnunni. #nofilter #police #bæjarinsbestu Source: logreglan

They pretend they’re in Baywatch

Stundum þurfa viðbragðsaðilar að stilla saman strengi. Hér er Hasselhoff æfing með strandvörðum í Nauthólsvík (Bullhillbay).. #DavidHasselhoff #reiðhjóladeild #þarfekkibíl #lrh2014 Source: logreglan

They give good Blue Steel

My face when... I saw the all the new followers #viral Source: logreglan

They love ducks

Fuglunum gefið brauð *feeding the birds* #lögreglan #police Source: logreglan

And dogs

Þessi litli krúttlegi hundur fannst ráfandi einn og yfirgefinn á Flókagötu klukkan 13:30 í dag. Fariđ var međ hundinn á Hundahóteliđ Leirum og er eigandi vinsamlegast beđin um ađ hafa samband þangađ. Source: logreglan

And cats

Lögreglukisinn Mósi í starfsþjálfun #starfsþjálfun #copcat Source: logreglan

Hjólað í góða veðrinu. #kisumynd #reiðhjóladeild #þarfekkibíl Source: logreglan

And sweets

#lrh #næturvakt #namminamm Source: logreglan

#þarfekkibíl #lrh #candyflosi Source: logreglan

Stundum ÞARF löggan bara að fá sér trúðaís á miðvikudögum #lögreglan #löggan #logreglan #badboys Source: logreglan

And moustaches

#lögreglan #mottumars Source: logreglan

And not forgetting pizza

Mötuneytid í fríi ... #logreglan Source: logreglan

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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