DOES SIZE MATTER? It is a question that has haunted neurotic men since the first homo sapiens caught a glimpse of another lad’s package in the changing cave. (Probably.)
To date, information about what scale women prefer in bed has been sketchy. A few small-scale studies have suggested that girth is more important than length.
Until now. Because an innovative US study using 3D-printed plastic peniseshas now given us an answer of sorts.
Some 75 women were asked to choose between an array of 33 blue plastic willies, to give their ideal size in a long-term partner.
On average, the ideal erect length was 6.3 inches, with the ideal circumference at 4.8 inches.
That’s about an inch longer than the average, which – according to the most recent major international study - is 5.16 inches when standing to attention. The ideal circumference is only 0.2 inches longer than the global average.
To put it in unhelpful context: 6.3 inches is just under one and a half Coke cans, or a bit longer than a standard Refresher bar.
But the study also found that context matters. Lead researcher Nicole Prause told the Daily Beast:
Men should be thinking ‘fit’ rather than ‘fat’ with respect to their penis size. In other words, women may prefer different sizes for different reasons at different times, so chances are very good any guy is someone’s ideal for the relationship type they are seeking.
Prause also confirmed the theory that girth rather than length is where it really matters, saying:
It makes sense that women might prefer a larger girth penis that brings the clitoral glans closer to the friction point and also will stimulate the crura [“legs”] of the clitoris internally more.
So men: now you know. As an additional benefit, the 3D-printing models used in the study have been uploaded to this site, so feel free to print off your own.