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11 of the most inappropriate baby outfits on the internet

Seriously, it’s hard to believe they actually exist.

WHO DOESN’T LOVE an innocent little baby?  They’re snuggly, they have that lovely baby smell, and you can dress them up in all kinds of cute outfits.

You can also dress them up in a multitude of horrifying outfits thanks to articles of baby clothing available on the internet.

There is some genuinely shocking stuff out there, including items we actually felt we couldn’t show you because they were that bad.

Here are some of the most inapproriate pieces of baby clothing available on the internet.

11 of the most inappropriate baby outfits on the internet
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  • 'Future Bride'

    Because that should be a baby's aspiration. Zulily
  • Marijuana costume

    We can't help but feel a certain female pop star might like this one. Brands on Sale
  • 'I'm living proof my mom is easy'

    Nothing like a bit of respect for your mother! Zazzle
  • 'My daddy and I both like nice BOOBS!'

    Well done you. Zazzle
  • 'Sexy Baby'

    We don't really need to say anything here, do we? Zazzle
  • 'S*** happens when you party naked'

    Em... Cafepress
  • 'Does this diaper make my butt look fat?'

    Making sure women have their priorities straight right from the very start! Hooters Gear
  • 'I tore mommy a new one'

    The realities of childbirth are something most of us would like to ignore where possible. Zazzle
  • 'Daddy's Little Squirt'

    We know how babies are made. Do they have to spell it out? Zazzle
  • 'Hung Like A 5 Year Old'

    Sigh. Etsy
  • 'I'm proof my mommy puts out.'

    Because everyone likes to think of an infant's mother having sex when they look at it. Amazon

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