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20 wildly inappropriate cakes that should have never been baked

Sometimes you shouldn’t say it with cake.

THE GREAT BRITISH Bake Off is back and we’re all determined to be amazing bakers.

Just remember that a cake, while it will solve most things, it won’t solve everything.

1. When your local baker is a fool


2. Nothing says Happy Graduation like a random statement

6aVHDD0 Source: Imgur

3. You’re number ONE, but your cake sucks

eBYORYz Source: Imgur

4. Best to have said nothing at all

funny-cake-messages-at-least-pretty Source: Smosh

5. Nice of them to emphasise the teen

teen.jpg Source: Pophangover

6. What day? Their last? Deeply sinister

Your-Day-Has-Arrived Source: Thedatereport

7. Just be direct

15-marisolcutepics-1 Source: Barnorama

8. But not too direct. Wink wink


9. Maybe consider a deeper apology than a cake

a98124_cake-text_1-baby Source: Sodahead

10. Make sure it represents them perfectly

fcKoXtC Source: Imgur

11. Cake solves most things, but there’s a line

sorry-i-blacked-out-cake Source: Neatorama

12. Learn what ‘that line’ is, and do not cross it

fire.jpg-2 Source: Cake Wrecks

13. Make it look appetising… or easily mistaken for your cats litter box

1288126162_kitty-litter Source: Fabulous Food

14. On the other hand, cakes are perfect for colleagues leaving for pastures new

51b35d1aa0bc1 Source: Happyplace

15. Or asking for things nicely

wendy-b-lw-you-owe-us-money Source: Alleged to be Delicious

16. Even breaking bad news

KsdjIlE Source: Imgur

17. Sometimes you just have to laugh about it all

YaRTtQe Source: Imgur

18. Creamy cakes are probably not the best way to seduce

Aimee-T-linked-naked-guy Source: Thedatereport

19. Or wish expectant mothers well

10710906-22484975-thumbnail Source: Cakewrecks

20. Seriously. Nightmares

10710906-22485045-thumbnail Source: Cakewrecks

14 people who are worse at baking cakes than you>

7 reasons why your baking is always crap>

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