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9 people who need to stop using LOL immediately

Cease and desist, lol.

LOL CELEBRATES ITS 25th birthday today. The first recorded use of the acronym was in May 1989.

But admit it, you don’t even really LOL every time you use it. So, you’re number one on this list of people that need to stop what they’re doing with LOL immediately.

1. You

LOL is not a conversational crutch, and you shouldn’t use it unless you actually make a sound of laughter. Lol.


There was no laughter there.

Source: WillAkanaVlogs/YouTube

2. These twitter users

3. These parents

There are 189 people in the United States named LOL according to WhitePages. Deeply unsettling.





4. This mother


5. ‘Literal’ lollers

Nulls the very existence of lol, but portrays that you definitely laughed, for real.

So… LOLled, then.


6. Those who overuse it

“Lol that’s so funny, doing nm just sitting in lol, watch up to? Tomorrow will be fun lol.”



7. Trey Songz

The R&B singer thought that creating a whole song around LOL :) was somehow a good idea. Bleak.

Never say LOL out loud. Never. Shortening it to lawl is an even worse crime.

Source: LouisHuynh24/YouTube

8. David Cameron

The British Prime Minister was known to sign off his texts to former Sun and News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks with LOL until she explained that it meant Laugh Out Loud, not Lots of Love. Awkward.

CameronLOL Source: Labourlist

9. The person who made this sign

yW7jj Source: Imgur


Quiz: How Irish And Immature Are You?>

This man failed the ‘don’t laugh’ challenge… can you do better?>

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