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The owner of this restaurant in Armagh got a whopping £1000 tip off a generous customer

Just a “small gift” to express his appreciation, he said.

2017 HAS ALREADY proven to be a good year for this Indian restaurant in Portadown, Co Armagh.

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Last week, a loyal customer of the Indian Tree restaurant came to have dinner with his family, enjoying a meal that came to £79.

According to the Belfast Telegraph, the man lives abroad for work but always makes sure to visit Indian Tree when he comes home, as he’s a huge fan of Babu, the chef.

When it was time to pay the bill, he left a “small gift” (his words) to show his appreciation: One thousand pounds.

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Owner Luna Ekush told the Belfast Telegraph that the customer and his family have been visiting the restaurant for a “good few years”.

We are very much still in shock. If someone gives us a couple of pounds we are happy enough – but this is just a massive one.

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Thanking the customer for his donation, Ekush wrote on Facebook:

We may not be the most exclusive or the most glamorous establishment, but we sure do have the most genuine, wonderful customers that love everything about our food and the restaurant.

“A great, beautiful and humbling start to the year indeed,” she added.

H/T Lovin.ie

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