Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

This Instagram account is collecting pictures of men looking miserable out shopping

The true faces of boredom.

GO TO ANY shopping centre in any town in Ireland on Saturday, and you’ll see them.

Dozens of men, slack-jawed, staring at their phones, sitting on any available flat surface while family members shop around them.

The Instagram account miserable_men (which has 224,000 followers and counting) is documenting the pain of men brought out shopping, from the merely impatient…

…To the men having full on existential crises…

…And those that have given up and gone to sleep.

(Kanye West there, the patron saint of miserable men.)

To contribute to the invaluable work being done here, you can email your pictures to miserablemenpics@gmail.com. Long may it continue.

H/T Joe.ie

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