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This Instagram is sharing hilarious texts people get from their mams

Ah mams, gotta love em.

YOU MAY REMEMBER Kate Siegel’s @CrazyJewishMom Instagram account. Siegel gained a big following by posting the bizarre and hilarious texts she received from her mum who seemed to have no filter at all.

Well, now she’s sharing everyone’s typical Mam texts, and they’re excellent.

She set up CrazyYourMom after her initial account went viral and people started sending in their sympathetic screenshots.

We can all identify with these.

1. When she tries to use slang

NOPE #crazyYOURmom #bae #crazyjewishmom (@missyblue1) Source: crazyyourmom

2. When she finds the person you fancy on Instagram for a stalk

When mom likes your crush's pic on insta and everything is terrible. #crazyYOURmom (@rjldowns) Source: crazyyourmom

3. When she attempts to set you up with randomers

Even the pose is creepy. THANKS MOM!! #crazyYOURmom #dontmindifido (@ashcak35) Source: crazyyourmom

4. Like, a lot

Welcome to my life. #crazyYOURmom (@danasarah_) Source: crazyyourmom

5. They just want you to be happy

To the point. #crazyYOURmom (@tarebear47) Source: crazyyourmom

6. This guilt trip of the century

Guilt trip 101. #crazyYOURmom #crazyjewishmom (@alaina.laurra) Source: crazyyourmom

7. The constant worry

Mom needs to chill with the Law & Order SVU. #crazyYOURmom #crazyjewishmom (@jennvree) Source: crazyyourmom

8. And paranoia

She's like an FBI agent. #crazyYOUmom (@katelynarogers) Source: crazyyourmom

9. Total paranoia

Mom AND grandma. #crazyYOURmom (@Emilly2904) Want your family's crazy texts featured? Submit via my website! Link in bio! No submissions via DM can be considered. Thank you! Source: crazyyourmom

10. ALL of the autocorrects

I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom. #crazyYOURmom (@schwartzkath) Source: crazyyourmom

11. Sometimes she just need some tech help

Struggle is real. #crazyYOURmom (@karen_liane) Source: crazyyourmom

12. Sometimes she just wants a chat

Source: crazyyourmom

13. or is busy busy busy

Parenting goals. #crazyYOURmom (@almill5186) Want your family's crazy texts featured? Submit via my website! Link in bio! No submissions via DM can be considered. Thank you! Source: crazyyourmom

And then, of course, there are dads

Parenting goals. #crazyYOURmom (@samanthatheflamingo) Source: crazyyourmom

You can read a bunch more or submit your own Irish mammy texts, over here.

ht Buzzfeed

11 things every kid dreaded about eating another Irish mammy’s dinner>

Are You Turning Into Your Mother?>

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