EVERY EVENING AT 9pm, DailyEdge.ie brings you your essential roundup of what you missed on your screens today.
This cat got stung on the nose by a bee. *sniggers*
People were reading:
Pie baked inside a cake is now a Thanksgiving thing in the US. *politely declines*
And while we’re on the subject, check out this Jezebel thread dedicated to Thanksgiving horror stories. CRINGE.
How to open a tin with your bare hands. Because you don’t always have a tin opener on you.
People were watching:
…Bless you.
Eerily lifelike.
People were retweeting:
Thanksgiving is going well in this house.
Good to know.
And finally, people were in love with:
Adele cracking herself up by saying “Hello, it’s me.”
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