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Your Weekend Movies... Colin Farrell and a final hangover

Cinema trip this weekend? TheJournal.ie brings you snippets from new releases to help you decide where to put your money…

WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?

We’re here to help you decide just that, with these trailers.



For fans of: Animals, slugs, disembodied famous people

Avoid if: You prefer beard-stroking

Beyoncé. Check. Colin Farrell. Check. Christoph Waltz. Check. Pitbull. Check.

“What the heck sort of freaking movie is this!?” I hear you ask. Well, it’s an epic (zing!) tale from the makers of Ice Age about a hidden world that is discovered by a teenager. Cute, funny, and with the voice talents of, ooh, everyone in Hollywood, it seems like the sort of film even the most cynical among us would enjoy. Plus, Ireland is represented by Colin Farrell and Chris O’Dowd, and that ain’t no bad thing.

The Hangover Part III


For fans of: Drink, friends, weird people

Avoid if: You have a hangover

THEY’RE BAAAAACK! The Hangover crew return for the last time, so lock up your daughters, sons, breakables, alcohol and monkeys. When Alan goes off his meds and starts acting even weirder than he usually acts (which is pretty damn weird), his nearest and dearest stage an intervention. Does it go to plan? Does it heck. Hey, this has John Goodman, abseiling down the side of a hotel AND a trip to Tijuana in it, so it’s going to be quite  an experience.

Something in the Air

(Something in the Air/YouTube)

For fans of: Thinking deeply, kicking against the you-know-whats

Avoid if: You want to see women have their own teen revolution (can someone make a movie about this please?)

Strokes beard. Human existence. So futile. So empty. Must rage against the machine, the artificial constructs of man. And, while I am engaged in this pursuit, let me also pursue some rather tempting young ladies. Allow those ladies to take on a major role in my little film? Strokes beard. No. No. Vive la revolution! Fin.

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