1. That iconic Packie Bonner save and subsequent joyful leap in the air
Never tire of watching this, tbh.
2. Robbie Keane going in for one his signature cartwheels
3. Jack Charlton celebrating the victory against Italy in the 1994 World Cup in his cute little hat
4. And of course this moment of quiet reflection from Italia ’90
5. The actual heartbreak when this happened, though
6. And poor ol’ Damien Duff looking beyond dejected and heartbroken once he realised what happened
7. When the lads took this selfie with President Michael D. Higgins
8. And, of course, Michael D. Higgins’ reaction to Robbie Brady’s goal last night
9. Ray Houghton celebrating his goal against Italy
10. These scenes from the 1994 World Cup homecoming
12. Martin O’Neill and the way he might look at you
12. These gorgeous shots of Robbie Brady embracing his girlfriend
13. And finally… Robbie Brady’s brother
AKA all of us.