FORGET OCEAN BREEZE or vanilla sunset.
Don’t you want to represent the smellerific Emerald Isle in your household? Or if you live abroad, wouldn’t you love to capture the essence of Ireland simply by lighting a candle?
Well, enter the imagination of and let’s explore some distinctly Irish scented candles. (All made up of course – more’s the pity.)
1. Ham
For all those who have been looking for a candle to recreate the “bit of dinner” scent, look no further.
2. Guinness aftermath
Any Guinness drinker will know that a few pints of the black stuff has an effect on the digestive system. Say no more. But if you LIKE that smell (to each their own) – then we have just the candle for you.
3. Post-match jersey
The sweaty post-match smell, either tinged with elation of winning or the disappointment of losing. Slung in a laundry basket and not thought about til the next game. Want to capture that enrapturing smell? Now you can.
4. Slurry
Let’s not beat around the bush here. Sometimes you’ve got to roll up the windows when you’re travelling by car through the Irish countryside. And why? Well, this heady, distinctive musk.
5. Vienetta
Oh, Vienetta. The smell of luxury, of childhood delight, of Sunday nights.
6. Romance
You think Irish people aren’t romantic? Think again. Say hello to The Shift candle.
7. A fried breakfast
A tricky one. Imagine smelling this drifting up to you from bed, only to emerge and realise it was a scented candle instead of rashers in the pan. A double-edged sword.
8. Mass
Incense mixed with communion wafer mixed with mild boredom mixed with the sign of peace with the fella from three doors down.
9. Curry chips
To evoke memories of brilliant nights out – and not-so-brilliant hangovers.
10. A nightclub carpet
The unmistakeable smell of an Irish nightclub at last orders. Musty old carpets, BO, some lingering fag breath, a pint, and the hope for the shift mingling together to create something … Something beautiful.
11. Your own house
Imagine you could bottle it when you went away. Your own bed and the comforting, familiar smell of your Mam as she wraps you in a big hug.
Got any scented candle suggestions of your own? Leave them in the comments.