THE DÁIL HAS risen for the summer recess, there are fewer politicians making a show of themselves, and animals, babies and cartoon characters are having their day in the sun.
Welcome to Ireland’s silly season, when hard news becomes slipperier than an angry dolphin, and journalists scrabble to turn anything into a story.
Here’s how it goes…
Morning Ireland begins visibly clutching at straws (and Michael Healy Rae, and the Puck Fair)
In fact silly season has been afflicting Morning Ireland for some time now.
Exhibit A: June 30th
Exhibit B: July 17
There are signs that Radio One is affected across the board
In fact, Kermy and Miss Piggy’s split make headlines everywhere
Treacherous and homicidal seagulls begin dominating headlines
And it’s not just in Ireland
Hairy babies. Hairy babies everywhere
Curry is held up as our Lord and saviour
Dogs take to surfboards
And an escaped giant inflatable Minion in Dublin makes international headlines
The Minion is fine, by the way.
It’s not all silly carry on though…
Silver linings.