Dublin: 5 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

We've found out what Ireland's favourite ice cream is!

Get your gob around this.

WE ASKED, AND you’ve answered.

The good people of Ireland (well, a load of people on our Twitter account) have answered our call to name their five favourite ice creams.

Some kept it traditional, some harked back to days of yore, and some went rogue.

First things first the top ten…

10. Fat Frog

9. Classic Magnum

8. Feast

6. Cornetto (joint 6th)

6. White Magnum (joint 6th)

5. Loop The Loop

loop_the_loop_632x212 Source: Thejournal

4. The humble 99

Tweet by @FrenchFoodieInDublin Source: FrenchFoodieInDublin/Twitter

3. Iceberger

ice Source: quiz-zone.co.uk

2. Brunch

brunch Source: Thejournal

1. Tangle Twister

Twister Source: Handolio

So there you have it, no major shocks. Interesting is the inclusion of the now defunct Fat Frog, but only this very day we were on to HB about any possible return of our apple-y friends.

They said:

Without trying to be mysterious or mislead anybody on the subject of Fat Frogs,  we would never definitively confirm or deny a relaunch of one of our classic ice-creams.

Hmmm. How is it up there on that fence HB?

Some other long-gone favourites which garnered a few votes were the Sky bar, Chilly Willy, and the unfortunately-named Golly Bar.

26859_107333465965208_6859311_n Source: PhotoBucket

hb-chilly-willy-1980 Source: Where's Grandad

Other ice creams and ice pops pulling in respectable scores were the Solero, Super Split, Wibbly Wobbly Wonder, Oreo ice cream and various flavours of Ben and Jerrys.

Meanwhile, a couple of votes for the humble Maxi Twist were met with derision:

Some of the more far out suggestions included something called a Licky Lara, the Magnum Equador and the Strawberry Split.

 Is the Fat Frog coming back? Here’s everything we know>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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