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Which Irish Actor Should Play You In A Movie?

It’s a movie about your life, and you need someone to capture you perfectly.

irishactor Source: Shutterstock

1. They're making a movie all about your life. Great. As the central character, you would best be described as...

2. In this movie, who would play your dreamy romantic interest?
Brad Pitt
Scarlett Johansson

Emma Stone
Jude Law
3. The Director wants there to be a brief nude scene featuring your character for "the artistic success of the project." Is this cool?
Absolutely not.
4. Your life's journey could easily be compared to which of these movies?
Million Dollar Baby

Forrest Gump
Bridget Jones's Diary
5. We know what the movie will be like now, but where would it be set?
The rolling countryside
The city streets

The small village
The world
6. If you were in a band, you'd be...
The lead singer
The drummer

The guitarist
The bass player
7. Will the actor that plays you need to be able to sing and dance?
Of course!
Definitely not
8. And finally, the movie will probably be...
An indie arts film not watched by many
A summer blockbuster

An absolute flop
A surprise Oscar contender
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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The actress that played Imelda Quirke
Angeline Ball made her name as the backing singer in Ireland's best ever fictional band. She has the voice, look and sass to play you in a movie.
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The guy who plays Paul in Fair City
Tony Tormey has been playing Carrigstown's Paul Brennan for years. He knows what it's like to get inside a complex Irish character and do it justice on screen - he's perfect for you.
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The actress that played Biddy in Glenroe
Mary McEvoy is known the nation as Biddy from Glenroe. You need an actor with a screen presence and national profile to carry a character as emotionally charged as you.
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Liberty Insurance man
Otherwise known as Bobby Sylvia (and not technically Irish but leave us be). You need a confident, smooth performer to really capture your essence on screen. The Liberty Insurance man is the perfect casting.
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Trish from Love/Hate
Aoibhinn McGinnity knows how to play a no-nonsense Irish character better than most actors out there. She will capture your never-say-die attitude on the big screen.
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Fran from Love/Hate
Peter Coonan has the ability to capture your hard-nosed street character with aplomb. You need an actor with a track record of playing such intense characters to capture all that is you.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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