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17 photos that will give Irish people that 'back to school' feeling

Aisling copy books!

1. The Aisling copy book!

560037345_debfd60d58 Source: Boards.ie

2. These trendy pencil cases

13933283_10153913052148022_793347585_n Source: dailyfeed

3. The coolest pen ever

0820016002 Source: ryman

4. The dreaded exam papers

9982b072b5d95f3c73a6e0c23d6741f2 Source: theshelf

5. Don’t forget the maths set!

238001000000S Source: Easons

6. Who remembers Buail Liom?

download Source: Boards.ie

7. Nothing like a fresh Premier refill pad, right?

large-refill-pad-a4-320-page-top Source: School Books Ireland

8. The most iconic school book ever (well, apart from Peig)

5099579058_628a8be4d8 Source: flickriver

9. 9 – 9 = 0, 10 -9 = 1, 11-9 = 2

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10. This quintessentially Irish ruler

Wooden Ruler Source: schoolbooksireland

11. ALIVE-O!

PicAlive-O_1-4_800x771-300x289 Source: Eanna Johnson

12. Those plastic copy book covers, though

Preventing your copies from getting wrinkled.

416Rky5RmJL._AC_UL320_SR240,320_ Source: Amazon

13. Back when Irish wasn’t so scary and intimidating…

scan0009 Source: Blogspot

14. Before you scribbled all over your schoolbag in Tippex

IMG_3098transparent Source: theschoolbag

15. Trendy brown paper book covers

CmbaJ1qWgAE8Ykm Source: David O'Brien/Twitter

16. #swag

feature-tin-whistle Source: yourirish

17. And finally, where you sat your arse for 14 years

scho; Source: Adverts

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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