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Chicken fillet rolls and Teddy's: Irish celebs reveal what they miss about Ireland

Niall Horan misses Clonakilty sausages.

GUINNESS, CHICKEN ROLLS, banter – just some of the things celebrities say they miss about Ireland in the music video for Ryan Sheridan’s ‘Home’.

The video for the song, featured in Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Movie, sees Irish celebs like Niall Horan, Saoirse Ronan and Laura Whitmore, as well as numerous ex-pats holding up signs to say what they miss about our fair shores.

No surprise that they’re mostly related to food and drink.

ryansheridanhome1saoirse Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

Saoirse Ronan gives her Mam’s roast a shout-out.

bernarddunneryansheridan Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

Bernard Dunne misses tea.

niallhoranryansheridan Source: Niall Horan/YouTube

Niall Horan yearns for Clonakilty sausages.

laurawhitmoreryansheridan Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

Laura Whitmore misses chicken rolls.

ryansheridanhomebrendanocarroll Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

Brendan O’Carroll misses “Dublin”. (Quotation marks his, not ours.)

ryansheridanrobbiekeane Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

Robbie Keane longs for Guinness.

liamcunninghamryansheridan2 Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

Liam Cunningham pines for banter.

paulmcgrathryansheridan Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

And Paul McGrath misses Teddy’s Ice Cream. (And he’s holding a teddy – bonus aw!)

Source: Ryan Sheridan/YouTube

Grab yourself a Tayto sandwich, watch the video and let the fuzzies wash over you.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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