WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?
We’re here to help you decide just that, with these trailers.
Need for Speed
(Need for Speed/YouTube)
For fans of: Fast cars
Avoid if: You’re expecting Breaking Bad 2
Are you a Breaking Bad fan who’s been dying to know what your beloved Aaron Paul was up to next? Think fast cars, crime, prison and revenge. We suspect you’ll miss Walt.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics’ rating: 43 per cent. Audience rating: 94 per cent want to see
Under the Skin
For fans of: Aliens
Avoid if: You’re going hitchhiking
Husky-voiced Scarlett Johannson stars in this weird and intriguing adaptation of the book of the same name. She plays an alien sent to prey on hitchhikers, so expect sex, weirdness and some violence.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics’ rating: 89 per cent. Audience rating: 94 per cent want to see
The Zero Theroem
For fans of: Terry Gilliam
Avoid if: You’re easily confused
The final part of Gilliam’s dystopian satire trilogy (the other parts are Brazil and 12 Monkeys), this stars Christoph Waltz as the angsty Qohen Leth, who is searching for the meaning of life in a strange world.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics’ rating: 58 per cent. Audience rating: 97 per cent want to see