1. Only on an Irish farm would you see someone herding sheep in a full three piece suit and wellies
Keeping up appearances.
2. The Six One news broadcasts live from them too
3. Only on Irish farms would the “Christian Bale” pun be manufactured
4. And it’s there that Father Ted references can get linked to John Deeres
5. We’re a country that takes our farm signs seriously
6. Or, at least, we know how to get the point across in the most Irish way possible
7. We have farmer kings of Snapchat
8. And pigs that love getting in a selfie
9. It’s a land that puts a premium on hay creativity
10. And you WILL spot something ridiculous happening if you wait around long enough
11. Only on Irish farms do you get this commitment to puns
12. And daring balancing skills like this
13. Improvised iPhone cables come in handy all the time
14. And the characters you meet across the farms of Ireland are all heroes
15. Where else would you get it?
The best.