Don’t get us wrong – some of our fondest summer memories feature main stages at Oxegen, or the campsite at Electic Picnic. But festivals ARE a labour of love. Sometimes, it seems that only mud and messers can reign supreme on the Irish festival circuit.
Even the most hardened camper and dancer needs a boost or two. So we bring you our indispensable festival survival guide – and don’t forget to share your own knowledge in the comments to help first-timers.
They’re called “festival essentials” for a reason
Don’t leave packing for the festival until the last minute. You WILL need the essentials, and it pays to be prepared. We mean: baby wipes, hand sanitiser, suncream, plenty of water, ear plugs, black bags, extra socks…
Pace yourself
Festivals are all about having a good time – and admit it, you know you have a better time when you haven’t completely over-indulged. Not to mention waking up to a pounding hangover in a manky tent isn’t anyone’s idea of a good morning.
Your tent is your temple
Get a decent one. And also invest in a sleeping bag. No one wants to be on a makeshift raft of bin liners by the second afternoon.
Dress the part
Let’s face it. People are going to be taking a lot of photos over the festival weekend. Unless you want to spend your week back in work detagging Facebook photos, you should make a bit of an effort with the old rig-outs.
Image: Happy Place
Always take the weather with you
Avoid mud. Mud is festival Kryptonite (although, incredibly, it might not be an issue this year with all the sun we’re getting).
If it’s going to be really sunny, bring a hat and suncream. Or else you’ll run the risk of getting sunstroke – or even WORSE, a farmer’s tan.
Niall Carson/PA Archive
Lost in music
You paid a good bit of money for that ticket. Try not to spend all your time in your tent and actually SEE some bands. Being too laid back will also work against you. Strike a balance, employ some military-esque rigorous time-tabling and get your money’s worth.
And finally…
Want to avoid the vaguely putrid festival toilets? Why not try a Uriwell?
It’s an “ergonomically designed” flexible, portable little pee receptacle – with a full capacity of 750ml, which should suit even the most full festival bladder.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Feel free to share this with anyone you think will need a helping hand getting through the next looming festival. We’re all in this together, after all. Let’s try to make this whole festival thing more civilised for everyone involved.
One last tip: from a tent to a teepee, you’ll find all your festival essentials for sale on