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Irish guy has loveliest web chat ever with Optical Express customer service agent

Graeme is our new favourite customer service agent.

CUSTOMER SERVICE WEB chats are usually dull affairs with neither party really making an effort with the other. At least one person usually winds up being frustrated or dissatisfied.

TL;DR – they’re nothing to write home about.

Until now, that is.

An Irishman named Daragh was using Optical Express for research purposes when he got talking to a customer service agent named Graeme.

It started off like with the some cordial introduction and Daragh revealing that he was on top secret business.

optical1 Source: fallibleflop/Blogspot

They became fast friends and soon started bonding over James Bond and music.

optical2 Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

Then things got real deep.

optical3 Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

But they quickly steered it back to LAD stuff

optical4 Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

Before enquiring as to what each other’s plans were for the evening.

optical5 Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

But then disaster struck and Daragh was cut off! How would he resume his chats with Graeme?

graeme GIVE ME GRAEME Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

Fortunately, they soon reconnected.

graeme2 Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

And resumed bonding over their lovely girlfriends/crap lunches.

graeme3 Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

Before parting ways and bidding farewells

graeme4 Source: falliblefop/Blogspot

<3 u, Graeme.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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