TRULY, IRELAND IS a wonderful place. So wonderful, it’s sometimes more or less impossible to satirise.
1. On crime
““Was the bacon and cabbage to be given before or after the grass cutting?” Judge James O’Connor enquired.”
2. On hygiene
Noel Grealish was literally worried that Irish women would become smelly. “The day of the young woman spending 20 minutes under a shower before she goes out on a Saturday night will certainly become a thing of the past,” he told the paper.
3. On prison riots
4. On fashion
“Much like any normal day…”
5. On parenting
The question on every Irish person’s lips.
6. On the clergy
I know that feel bro.
7. On sport
8. On the judicial system
9. On policing
10. On public services
“Is yours the house with the dead flowers in the windowbox” – Irish Water
11. On climate
12. On the fragility of human consciousness
13. On innocence
14. On sex education
15. And on mortality
HIYOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Thank you Ireland, and goodnight!