Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

13 problems only Irish people in London will understand

Tree please. TREE. One, two, TREE.

IF YOU’VE MADE the trip across the pond, you’ll know how hard it is to be in a sort of emigrate limbo.

1. You’ve basically moved to a bigger, taller, more crowded and expensive Dublin

If There Is No Risk There Is No Reward - London City Office Life Source: Simon & His Camera

2. It takes longer to get the bus from the airport to your mam’s than it does to fly into the country from London in the first place

4437012-Airport_to_Dublin_City_buses_Howth Source: Virtual Tourist

3. On that note, you’re not far enough to get out of big events. Mammy expects you home for the smallest of gatherings

Which involves a lot of tailing your suitcase into work on Fridays with you and mastering the art of getting through security in a jiffy.


4. Friends kip at yours when they have ANY reason to go to London whatsoever

Gig? Sporting event? Show? Business trip? Visiting the cereal cafe? Oh sure you can stay at mine.

Tired Source: Aine D

5. Changing cash is a constant and very real nightmare

You definitely lose tenners between all the back and forth.

305 Source: London-luton

6. Measures aren’t the same

If you get a double in an English pub it’s about the equivalent of a shot and a half by Irish standards. A single spirit measure is 25ml in England, while an Irish measure is closer to 35ml.


7. It’s hard to find a good pint of Guinness

Even in the many, many, Irish pubs. You’re in lager territory now.

Line of Guinness Source: kopretinka

8. You have to change your whole crisp belief system

Your standard cheese and onion in a pub are not Tayto or King, they’re Walkers. Shivers.

And they’re blue, not red! Red are ready salted, the monsters.

Cheese + Onion. Source: ironypoisoning

9. You will never subconsciously pronounce ‘TH’ again

Say it again, say turty tree and a turd! Potato!


10. People look at you weird if you say hello

In parts of rural Ireland, waving or not saying hello when you walk by someone is almost rude. Do this in London while out for a run and prepare to be treated like an alien.


11. You cause confusion over the smallest things

Show your communion photos and you look like a child bride. Refer to college and you mean uni.


12. Pret has ruined you

What do you have to do for a Gym Bunny and chicken and avocado wrap around here?

Pret,Victoria_Place Source: Wikimedia

13. You’ve become one of those ‘Well, in London…’ people

Stand to the RIGHT dammit, like in London.

Once in life both of us took a wrong train Source: @sage_solar

13 reasons you’re better off than your friends who’ve moved to London>

London publican bans Irish drinkers from cheering against England in World Cup>

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