GROWING UP IRISH was a tough hustle.
1. Your first flirtation with money was the extra 10p you’d get going to the shop with one of these
2. Your grandparents would slip you a fiver every visit
You’d feel like a king until you spent it all on sweets on the way home.
3. Then came the big guns, your first Cyril the Squirrel card
Oh the pride you’d feel with every 50p stamp.
4. Henry the Hippo was for those who liked the physical cash
* Drops every penny you have inside*
5. If you were an altar server, you’d get a few bob doing weddings and learned the joy of earning your keep
Worth it.
6. Communion and confirmation days were like winning the lotto
7. Bringing bottles back to the shops taught you how to be frugal
8. Sneaking a few pence from the Trocaire box to get an ice cream made you realise the guilt wasn’t worth it
Confession will be interesting this month.
9. When you got a bit more honest, the pub was the place to be
Ah if only it was as easy now.