DUBLIN LAD DANIEL Nugent left a poetic complaint on Cadbury’s Facebook wall, and got the best response.
The pun-tastic post was about his girlfriend and how she started to crave chocolate during pregnancy, but was disappointed with a particular bad she received.
He began:
Let me begin by telling you the story of a pregnant woman. Until it was discovered that my darling girlfriend was carrying our first child, she had no real inclination to eat much chocolate.
That all changed in March when we became blessed with child (not at all a scary prospect, honest) and ever since her tooth has become just as sweet she is.
He continues that he did everything he could to satisfy her cravings.
So I did my best to show her what was on offer. I suppose it’s to be expected that a heavily-pregnant woman can get a bit Flaky, but when I took her out for a Picnic she gave me a Snack in the mouth after taking a Chomp on the chocolate provided.
I just didn’t know what would really do it for her and push her Buttons. I tried to buy her a bunch of Roses to make amends but there was no joy.
He explains that she discovered Heroes but was disappointed with a particular pack they bought.
Today was not a good day for my girlfriend. She needed comfort and she needed chocolate. She needed a Hero. I thought I would be just that when I stopped into the shop on the way home to pick up those six little soldiers (Fudge, Caramel, Dairy Milk, Wispa, Twirl and Twisted).
I strode through the front door, chest out like a Spanish matador, but when we peeled back the packaging on the Small and Mighty and poured out the contents, I then felt as if I was dangling a red flag in front of a bull.
As you can see from the attached picture, there were just eight pieces inside. Now I’d like to think I’m an easy-going and reasonable kind of fella, but that’s a major let-down. Until this Heroes fiasco has been resolved, I fear we may have to take a Time Out from purchasing any more of your products.
He posted a photo of the offending box of Heroes, and it does look disappointing.
Cadbury’s were quick to come back to him:
Firstly, we’re delighted to hear that our chocolate has been able to bring some comfort and joy to your girlfriend during this very special time. Our Cadbury Hero sharing bags always contain 8 sweets to give our customers a sample of the delicious range. We’re sorry to hear that your Starbar girlfriend was upset by the experience and would love give her a much needed Boost and ensure her cravings are kept at bay! If you could please PM us with your contact details we’ll send some chocolate help that ensures you’re reinstated in your role as a Super-Hero!