1. When a Dublin radio station had to deal with the most 2016 relationship dilemma
2. When this mass had ambitious aims on MidWest Radio
3. This explanation of A$AP Rockyin Wexford
4. When an iRadio caller provided us with the best response to a quiz question
5. When traffic got MAD in Cork
6. That time Radio Kerry had an impromptu guest butt in on the line
7. When a pair of complete strangers got married on live radio
And they split up straight after the honeymoon.
8. That time WLR FM had the best stat
9. And while it might not be a local station, but there was a touch of Limerick brought to Newstalk one special night
10. Remember earlier this year when a woman met the love of her life at Electric Picnic and needed the local station to help her out
11. A special shout out to the most Northern Ireland radio announcement ever, too
12. This visitor was bowled over by our unique local radio offering
13. KCLR put the Carlow/Kilkenny election candidates through their paces by getting them to perform squats while a fitness trainer waved pizza in their face
Just checking if they’re cut out for this politics business.
14. The same station was on hand to document Carlow IT’s giant rodeo penis
15. And finally, this moment from an unspecified station is just the best
Never change <3