IRISH GUYS APPROACHING girls in a nightclub can be one of life’s most entertaining scenes.
But, are Irish women standoffish on nights out? And, if they are, do they have good reason to be?
Well, reporter Colm Flynn tackled this very issue this morning for the John Murray Show on RTÉ - and the responses from both men and women out in Kilkenny told us everything we need to know.
Source: ColmFlynn/SoundCloud
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So, the Irish guys – anonymous – had some revealing answers when they were asked about why Irish girls aren’t always fans of their charming advances
They feel threatened I’d imagine. I think it’s a defence mechanism – they might feel disrespected and they might get flung out the next morning.
This guy thought there’s just no winning
Then they’d be annoying you when they don’t get chatted up… so I don’t think you can win, really.
Warning: offence may be caused
They’re angry, and it’s almost like you offend them if you come up to them and you say ‘Howya’.
The female respondents told the guys why they might not be getting anywhere
It’s because of the way they come up to women. They come up with silly one-liners and they’re in their face and what have you – and I don’t want to talk to them.
The general theme, though, was that copious amounts of alcohol is not an alluring factor
When they’re just messers and they’re really drunk and then they are annoying – then I don’t like it.
It’s a question for the ages – destined to plague every Irish nightclub around the country for some time to come.