THERE’S A WHILE to wait before First Dates Ireland is back in our lives.
Until then, we have First Dates UK. Last night, Irish nurse Becca from Galway appeared on the show, hoping to find love.
She’s a 27-year-old computer science graduate and neo-natal nurse and is MAD for a bit of science chat.
People immediately fell in love
But her date John didn’t get off on the best foot, when he explained he would “suck David Beckham off”.
Why? Who really knows?
She was slightly taken aback
The collective audience were like, WTF?
But many understood where he was coming from
C’mon man, time and a place
Don’t fret, it didn’t turn her off. The pair went on for drinks after the date.
C’mon though, an Irish nurse? Hasn’t anyone told her about Coppers?