EARLIER THIS WEEK, Channel 4 shared a video of random British people attempting to draw the Irish border.
If the video won’t play, click here.
We laughed.
We cried.
And we made some Simpsons memes.
Then RTÉ sent some people out onto the streets to see how well Irish people could place the three countries in the UK.
Some people drew the border really badly, but that’s a good thing.
Hopefully this will serve as a reminder to Brexiters that Britain is not the centre of the universe.
This guy *almost* had it.
And this woman put Wales up a little too high (and also gave it an extremely round border).
If the video won’t play, click here.
But these gals pretty much nailed it (apart from a little mistake in the north of Ireland, but sure look).
Finally, we had one more woman get revenge for the ridiculous border that was drawn from Dublin to Galway by one of the people that Channel 4 spoke to.