1. “Yes, they actually sell milk in bags over here”
They also sell milk in cartons so it’s not all bad.
2. “Not everyone here speaks French, we’re grand”
We don’t have to unleash the basic Leaving Cert French unless we’re in Quebec. Don’t be worrying.
3. “Yes, the winters can be mind-numbingly cold (which is why ridiculous hats are sometimes necessary)”
Irish winters don’t compare.
4. “But they’re prepared for that sh*t – they have underground shopping centres and jackets as warm as blankets”
In Ireland, snow = chaos.
Not in Canada.
5. “Poutine looks disgusting, yes, but you have to try it before you’re allowed to criticise”
Every Irish person starts out wary, but then they try it. We don’t want any anti-poutine chat from Ireland until you have at least sampled the stuff.
6. “Gaffs over here come with next to no furniture – so that’s why it looks like we moved into an empty box”
7. “Sure, you can buy maple most places, but all food does not come swamped in the stuff”
8. “These lads do not patrol the streets of every major city”
It’s not like they’re arresting you for jaywalking on the streets of Toronto in the full kit.
9. “You know Tim Hortons back home? It’s a matter of life and death here”
They might be in a few Spars back in Ireland, but words can’t describe Canadian’s love of Timmy’s.
10. “Things cost a sh*tload over here – and tipping can ruin us on a night out”
Like, seriously.
11. “And finally… cherish the fact that tax doesn’t get added to things in Ireland after you’ve read the price tag”
“Oh, great! It’s only $2! I have a $2 coin right here!”
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