THIS IMPORTANT TOPIC has been discussed in the past: how do Irish people pronounce “scone”?
You usually fall into one of two camps – rhyming with cone or gone.
Now, a new map has been created that actually tells us how it’s pronounced across the UK and Ireland:
Submitted to Reddit yesterday by /u/bezzelford, they outline where the stats come from:
The data was collected by Cambridge university and managed to map the pronounciation of Scone across the UK and Ireland. Scone rhyming with gone is almost universal in Scotland whereas in England it’s a lot more controversial.
And once it was shared on Twitter, it provoked a massive response.
Look at Ireland. The west and south are in near universal agreement that scone rhymes with cone
The numbers thin out in the midlands and the east coast, before turning completely the opposite way in the north – where the “gone” rhyme dominates.
Needless to say, every single person you know has an opinion on this since the map was released
A poll we ran earlier this year lines up with the map above too
There’s just something about the “gone” rhyme that rustles people up the wrong way
Scotland, the north of Ireland and northern England would no doubt feel the same way about “cone”.
Take a minute to feel for the people who’ve moved here with the opposite pronunciation
This map has just confirmed what we knew deep down in our hearts: “cone” dominates – but we must all keep an open mind for the large group of “gones” among us.