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13 essential phrases you need as Gaeilge to get through 2017

All you need to get through the year.

THE IRISH ENGLISH dictionary is now available both online and as an app.

Here are a couple of terms you’ll need to get by in this modern age. Forget who, what, when, and where.

When you’re looking well and have to get a photo in before the taxi comes:

Selfie – Féinín

PastedImage-32774 Source: Shutterstock

When you’re planning on getting totally sozzled on wine and have no money for the pub:

Do you want to come for pre-drinks? - Ar mhaith libh teacht anall i gcomhair réamhdheochanna?

Beer and Whiskey Source: brosner

When some lad on the bus is talking about feminism, you can say:

They don’t know their arse from their elbow – Níl tuairim faoin spéir acu, tá siad chomh dúr le slis, ní aithneoidís cat thar chóiste

tumblr_o4x31mUZ1Q1rjbmxro1_250 Source: Tumblr

When you’re telling the gals at brunch about your new gym membership you plan on using at least once a month:

Kettlebell – Tromán cluasach

Kettlebells Source: Photographing Travis

When your mate is more of a wagon than usual:

She’s having a bad hair day today – Tá a cuid gruaige ina clibíní inniu

20-animals-having-a-bad-hair-day-3 Source: Lolwot

When casually chatting about Piers Morgan:

He’s turned into a laughing stock – Tá sé ina cheap magaidh anois

Oh, you’re still talking about him:

He’s a pompous arse – Diabhal aithne air nach é féin a rug é féin

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On Whatsapp, Saturday morning:

I had the mother and father of all hangovers – Bhí póit an diabhail orm, bhí póit mhillteanach orm


On Friday night:

To make an eejit of yourself – Asal a dhéanamh díot féin

giphy Source: Giphy

When your mate’s Tinder date is nothing like he imagined:

He was catfished on a dating site – Cuireadh an chluain fhíorúil air ar shuíomh geandála

nevmax_catfish3 Source: Mtv

When things just get way too 2017:

There was no vaping allowed on the train – Bhí cosc ar vapáil ar an traein, ní raibh cead galtoitín a chaitheamh ar an traein

71AT9lUpO9L._AC_UL160_SR160,160_ Source: Amazon

When you buy an adult colouring book because you read about it on GOOP:

Mindfulness – Aireachas

creative-coloring-inspirations-printable Source: Wordpress

When you absolutely can’t put up a photo without staining it first:

Filter – scagaire

PastedImage-86232 Source: petapixel.com

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