For 30 days in the month of November, sixty people in Ireland searched for the term ‘Irish Mammy’ on Pornhub.
We asked the world’s largest pornography site for their stats on a number of very Irish terms….
365 searched for ‘tractor’
371 searched for ‘Donegal’
193 searched for ‘shift’
369 searched for ‘mammy’
560 searched for ‘Cork’
185 searched for ‘ma’
and a whopping
22,199 searched for ‘Dublin’
Pornhub also told us that 7,469 searched for ‘Twink’, but given the double meaning of the name, we think perhaps they weren’t all looking for this lady.
These ‘very Irish terms’ pale in comparison to everyday favourites like ‘lesbian’ and ‘MILF’, with ‘Dublin’ coming in 49th place.
Pornhub also revealed that the searches for ‘Irish mammy’ are more than 17,000% higher here than in the rest of the world. ‘Donegal’ searches are over 16,000% more popular, while we search for ‘tractor’ 2616% more.